Warehouse efficiency
to a new level with voice picking

Up to 40% more efficient and 80% more accurate warehouse picking solution


Talk’nPick is an agile voice picking system that can be used with speech, scanner or the mobile UI.
This unique solution brings unprecedented performance and efficiency to warehouse management.


A flexible device-independent solution consists of software and the devices. With Talk’nPick, all warehouse work is carried out – either with a smartphone or touch computer. The wearable solution frees up your hands and eyes for the work itself.

Talk’nPick is an economical and speedy solution for upgrading your warehouse operations without undertaking heavy technical adjustments or taking on major business risks.  

Accuracy, scalability, work optimization -
Talk'nPick voice picking brings unprecedented benefits to the warehouse.


Scan, speak or type - you decide

Talk’nPick’s speech recognition and wearable devices free up  both hands and eyes for the essential – work. 

Modern technology makes work easier, allowing users to leverage lightweight, wearable devices for greater convenience. A flexible, device and network independent solution allows speech recognition, different readers, and standard mobile devices to work together in harmony.

Check out the video to see a new warehouse worker start his shift with his partner, Talk’nPick. 

See how they work together to complete their duties quickly and efficiently.

Accuracy and Efficiency with Talk'nPick

Calculate the benefits

Calculate the estimated savings and benefits that your warehouse can get by filling out the fields in our calculator. See how much Talk’nPick outweights other solutions with regards to cost-effectiveness, time-efficiecy and accuracy! 

Event / Function DescriptionCurrent picking method
Amount of pickers Picking rate task lines per picker / hour. Average pickers's gross salary eur / month.

You can enter the values ​​of your own warehouse into the counter. Note: Warehouses are not equal, variation may occur.

The savings brought by the picking speed
Savings arising from the increase in picking speed and overall efficiency, generally 20-40%
Voice picking, hands-free, flexible picking rhythm, automatic acknowledgments, combining tasks
Efficiency increase estimated on paper +25%, with barcode +10%
Less picking errors
30eur used as the cost of one picking error. Original error rate 0.2%
The picker verifies the product and/or storage location and the quantity.
50% fewer errors on paper and 35% on barcodes.
Annual savings total
Total annual savings caused by the increase in picking efficiency and the reduction of picking errors
Purchase costs
Including hardware, design, implementation and integration costs.
Payback time
The ratio of acquisition costs to annual savings. In addition, SaaS costs must be taken into account - ask Devoca Oy.

Order a free Warehouse management survey

Leave your contact information and our experts will make a customized survey.


An easy-to-use and device-independent solution


Talk’nPick is incredibly easy to use, reducing the time spent on training just to 15 minutes! Easiness goes hand in hand with user satisfaction – 100% of our users recommend the solution!

Talk’nPick application is device-independent. It can be used with any smart phone, even with basic model, to meet the unique needs of the warehouse and your finance department as well. 

Talk'nPick Tools

Optimize, track, and report with the Talk'nPick add-on

 Talk’nPick Tools is a convenient browser-based add-on  solution that optimizes warehouse work, manages it, and tracks it in real-time. The Tools keep you informed about current and future events in your warehouse. By providing real-time monitoring of warehouse  operations and generating comprehensive reports, Tools provide a smart new dimension to warehouse management.



Talk'nPick handles warehouse management
from start to finish

Talk’nPick handles all normal warehouse management operations, such as receiving, shelving, inventory, and many other warehouse management functions, in addition to efficient picking.

Versatility takes the entire warehouse management to a new level.



  • Powerfull search functions
  • Manage deviations
  • Balance check
  • Product labels


  • Multiple bin locations
  • Bin location labels
  • Balance check


  • Merged tasks
  • Batched tasks
  • Package management
  • Delivery method management
  • Multiple warehouses
  • Multiple warehouse sections
  • Balance check
  • Fill request
  • Deviation management
  • Unit verification


  • Yearly inventory
  • Continuous inventory
  • Rotating and zero location inventory
Internal transfers

Internal transfers

  • Powerful search functions
  • Manage deviations
  • Warehouse location verification
Versatile data confirmation

Versatile data confirmation

  • Storage location
  • Product Code
  • Batch number
  • Serial number
  • Number of copies
  • Multi-collection box
Multimodal use

Multimodal use

  • Speech
  • Barcode/QR- code
  • RFID
  • Typing
Task optimization

Task optimization

  • Optimize your route
  • Aggregate picking
  • Area picking


  • Product Labels
  • Bin locations
  • Other labels
Device independent

Device independent

  • Smartphones
  • PDA devices
  • Tablets
  • AR devices
  • Finger scanners
  • Pocket scanners
  • Glove scanners
  • Bluetooth headset
Network independent

Network independent

  • Either Wifi
  • or GSM
  • or Wifi + GSM
Versatile integrations

Versatile integrations

  • Voice picking interface
  • Build-in integration
  • Standardized REST interface
  • Custom integration
See more...

Talk'npick versions

Choose the version that suits you best:
Light - Advanced - Pro

When warehouse work is light and the picking intensity is low, the Light version is used to perform basic warehouse tasks. As the warehouse grows and the need for efficiency increases, we recommend the Advanced version, which can be used to comprehensively perform all warehouse functions. With Talk’nPick solution, you get all the benefits of the Pro version, which includes voice and other additional features. It is an excellent choice when the handled items are mainly small, manually picked products and the picking intensity is high.

Number of warehouses1530
  • Picking
  • Receiving/Put-avay
  • Inventory
  • Internal bin transfer
  • Speech
  • Barcode- / QR-code
  • Typing
  • Bin check
  • Product check
  • Quantity check
  • Lot-/Serial number check
Tools browser
  • Reports: tasks, products, personnel, locations, ABC-analysis, etc.
  • Dashboard: Job progression and activity
  • Task list: tasks, events, times, etc.
  • Maintenance: personnel, packaging, deviations, etc.
Use of product images
Task priorization
Intelligent picking task merging: cluster and and batch picking
Employee identification
Add-hoc inventory query: Product balance and bin location information
Delivery routes management
Packaging: quantity, type, weight, dimensions, identification and packaging contents
Fill request feature
Label printing: Product, package or bin labels
Zero location inventory and intelligent put-away
Weight control of picked products
Product information management: Dimensions, weights and product image
Unifaun integration and transport handling
See more...
= Either,    = Option


Download the demo and try it yourself

Try it your yourself. Download Talk’nPick’s demo app to your Android phone from the link below. 

If needed,  instructions can found from the adjacent video. 

what has been said about Talk'nPick

Our customers and users voice about Talk'nPick

The voice picking is fast, and there's no need to touch the device at all, making the workflow much faster.

Efficiency has increased by 40-50%, and picking errors have decreased by half!

Training a new person takes about an hour, and they're ready to start working already.

"The new speech recognition is brilliant!

TALK'NPICK - platform-independent solution

Ready-made Talk'nPick integrations

Talk’nPick integrates with all major warehouse management and Enterprise Resource Planning systems through ready-made integrations.

In addition, Talk’nPick can be connected to any software through an advanced API.
Check out the API documentation for more information.
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Questions and answers

The benefits arise from many factors:

  • Digitality
  • Voice picking
  • Freeing your hands and eyes for the work itself
  • Streamlining of warehouse processes
  • Optimization of warehouse operations
  • Increasing transparency
  • Predictability
  • Development of monitoring and reporting
  • ABC analysis, balance errors and deviations

Depending on the warehouse and its starting points, the increase in efficiency is typically 10-40% and the reduction of errors by 30-80%.

The image below shows the difference between paper and multimodal picking work steps:

Paperi vs multimodaalinen vaiheet

The immediate financial benefits of the solution are:

An increase in efficiency of 10-40% means a saving of 300-1,200eur in salary costs per employee per month.
A 30-80% reduction in errors means 160-440eur savings per employee per month. (error cost 20eur, 200 lines per day and 99.3% original accuracy). 

A total of 460-1640eur savings per employee per month.

All indirect benefits are missing from this calculation.

For all small items warehouses with three employees or more, where work is done on foot, with forklifts or similar machines. The products are located in indoor- or outdoor warehouses or in warehouse automation  machines.
The solution is suitable for cold, cool and warm warehouses.

Multimodality means that the user can use the Talk’nPick solution in several different ways:

  • Data input either by speaking, by reading bar/QR codes or by typing the necessary information into the field controlled by the application on the smart device.
  • Work instructions are spoken to the user and can also be read on the screen of the smart device
  • The touch screen of the smart device also serves as a visual platform, where product images, special information and other information can be seen

The solution works on either a Wifi- or GSM network.

A Wi-Fi network is not necessary, but the solution can be used with the help of data SIM cards installed in smart devices.

The delivery includes an employee-specific Android application and the customer-specific hardware.

● Smart device – standard smartphone, tablet or PDA
● Barcode/QR code reader. Wearable or portable model
● Wireless headset
● Armband for wearing the smart device on the arm
● Device shelf with chargers

The delivery normally includes Talk’nPick Tools, a browser-based software for real-time warehouse operations tracking, management, and optimization.

The solution is hardware-independent, so a wide range of smart devices can be used.
Smart devices can be standard smartphones, tablets or PDAs. Android version 7-10 is required.
Contact us and we will check the suitability of your smart device.

The solution performs all warehouse tasks:

  • Picking
  • Reception
  • Shelving
  • Internal transfer
  • Inventory

For some people, the use of speech may seem strange at first, but you usually get used to it after training and a few days of use.

However, if using voice does not feel comfortable, alternative methods are also available –
reading barcodes and typing on a smart device.

The solution can also be acquired initially without speech recognition.
In this case, you work by reading barcodes and keying in the fields of the smart device.
You can purchase the speech recognition usage method solution later.

According to research, the multimodal method of use is more efficient and more accurate compared to voice picking.  

In addition, multimodal use is suitable for all functions in the most effective way due to its versatility.

Learning to work is quick, only about 15 minutes. No giving voice samples to solution.

Mobile device maintenance and version updates can be handled through a separate maintenance program.

The customer can also handle the maintenance himself.

The solution does not replace the current system, but it is connected to work alongside the current one.

Because of this, Talk’nPick’s business risk is low. This also allows for flexible deployment phasing

The solution is integrated into the customer’s ERP/WMS system.

Integration is easy to implement due to the small amount of information – you can start the integration with picking tasks. 

Integration methods include all of the following: REST, Webservive and FTP.
The easiest way to integrate is by using a ready voice picking interface or Devoca’s own standardized REST interface.

Typically, work information is passed between the client and the Talk’nPick system. For example,
all picking tasks are sent from the customer system to Talk’nPick, where they can be optimized, managed and executed.
After the task is completed, the data is returned to the customer system either line-by-line or job-specific.

More questions about Talk'nPick?

If you still have questions regarding Talk’nPick,
book an appointment with our expert and we will tell you more about our unique inventory management solution.

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Your partner in digitizing your Warehouse.

Reducing errors and increasing efficiency are familiar challenges in inventory management that we have solved in many warehouses. At best, the speed of operations and work stages in the warehouse has increased by 40% and accuracy has improved by 80%. The overall benefits are made up of several factors

 – such as streamlining work, optimizing tasks, increasing capacity flexibility, and simplifying processes.

Our solutions enable, among other things, continuous inventory, dynamic inventory management,
and automated transportation management.
And best of all, the payback period for acquiring the solution is often less than a year.

Start developing your warehouse operations now – feel free to contact us!

Leo - CEO

Book a demo

Reserve a half-hour slot with our expert, where we will personally introduce you to our unique warehouse management solution.