LogiMat launches in Germany – Talk’nPick will be at the fair

The LogiMat fair for intralogistics finally opens its doors after a break of a couple of years in Stuttgart on 31 May. – 2.6.2022.

We at Devoca have high expectations for the offerings, as LogiMAT trade fairs offer a comprehensive overview of all themes in the industry, from sourcing to production and deliveries. 1,500 exhibitors from around the world showcase innovative technologies, products, systems, and solutions for optimizing in-house logistics processes and costs.

The fair will focus on technologies that provide solutions for intralogistics. The real-time total solution is cost-effective and the integrability of the systems streamlines and speeds up the warehouse processes.

The most interesting of the exhibitors’ solutions is Arvato Systems’ WMS, which provides SCM and logistics solutions for seamless business process management. The large German construction company Bünte Gmbh has recently piloted Arvato WMS + Talk’nPick’s total solution in its warehouses.

Talk’nPick is an industry-independent solution

Talk’nPick is a cost-effective and user-friendly picking solution that provides multimodally used options (voice, scan, and keystroke) for warehouse workers. The solution is real-time and clearly speeds up data transfer between processes, eliminates duplication, and enables real-time inventory balance data for the entire organization.

Talk’nPick solution is suitable for picking-intensive warehouses, regardless of industry. With our solution, our customers pick e.g. spare parts, food, and fishing tackle.

Check out our references here, and Talk’Pick solution and see how easy it can be to do warehouse work.

Contact us and we will discuss the suitability of our solution for your warehouse.

See more about Logimat’s trade fair offerings and follow our trade fair news.


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